“O my darling books…how dear to me are they all! For have I not chosen them one by one, gathered them in with the sweat of my brow? I do love you all! It seems as if, by long and sweet companionship, you had become part of myself.”

– Antoine Issac, Baron Silvestre de Sacy

I was first a devoted reader of mysteries and fantasy before I became a poet and then a novelist many years later.

Books have the power to change, to enable time travel and adventure, to touch the deepest chords of the soul.

My greatest wish is that my works do just those things.

Canadian Reminiscence Series

Each novel in this series is set during a certain historical period in each province/territory of Canada.

Redeemed From the Ashes is steeped in the aftermath of the Halifax Explosion of 1917.

Wisps of Gold follows the trail of murder and intrigue during the Cariboo Goldrush, 1871.